Our Vision ...
- Everyone has the potential for greatness.
- We thrive on unlocking that greatness through unique approaches, practical guidance, and breakthrough programs.
Our Mission ...
- Inspiring individuals to grow personally and professionally.
- Enabling you to accelerate your transformational growth.
- Helping you realize your highest goals and visions.
Our Approach
Our Story
Who We Are
Daniel Endy
Transformational Catalyst
Everyone who works with Daniel experiences transformation.
Daniel experienced a lot of loss early in his life but he consciously chose to be optimistic and didn't let these problems define him or hold him back. After losing his mother, father, and grandmother all between the ages of 13 and 18, Daniel went on to be the first person in his extended family to go to college where he was on his own.
He began a career in software development and quickly rose into management. At the age of 33, after 12 years with the same company, they downsized and Daniel was laid-off. With a wife, 2 small children, and a mortgage to support, he had to act fast. Accustomed to being self-sufficient, Daniel landed a new position within 6 weeks.
At the age of 37 with two small children at home, he finally fulfilled a lifelong dream and started his own company. Against the odds, they grew rapidly then merged with another company, and after just 4 and 1/2 years in August of 1999, that company went public.
Since then Daniel has worked extensively with startups, entrepreneurs, and individuals to help them bring their dreams to life.
Daniel reinvents himself regularly and has made it his mission to help others realize their dreams and their potential. Daniel is a successful serial entrepreneur and a lifelong spiritual seeker.
Over the last 45 years, Daniel has studied and read extensively in all areas of spirituality and self-development. In 2010, Daniel found the last key piece of the spiritual puzzle and since then he has dedicated himself to sharing his understandings so others can experience the same happiness and fulfillment he has found. Daniel has led and facilitated many online spiritual communities and has led regular monthly classes and spiritual meetings since January of 2011.
Daniel has a rare combination of the highly rational and practical knowledge balanced with the spiritual wisdom. He has always felt that science and spirituality are just different perspectives of the same coin, not irreconcilable opposites.
Daniel has studied hundreds of near-death experiences (NDEs) and believes they hold the key to understanding mankind's greatest questions.
Elaine Kempski
Transformational Coach
Elaine’s life-long passion for personal growth is reflected in her dynamic presence, unique wisdom and vibrant spirit! At the age of 22, she stepped onto a “conscious-awakening path” and never looked back. She is as compassionate as she is passionate. This gives her the rare ability to hold both the depths and the heights of our shared humanity. Something that is truly transformative!
For over 30 years, Elaine has immersed herself in the areas of: personal growth, empowerment, healing, spiritual development and transformation. Her immersion has been on 3 significant levels: 1) courageously doing her own deep inner-healing work; 2) guiding individuals through the process of personal and spiritual transformation; and 3) teaching and leading groups through in-depth classes and programs.
As a Transformational Coach and Co-Founder of Soul-Full Growth, Elaine partners with individuals, groups and organizations alike to help them awaken and realize their highest potential!
Like you, Elaine has a personal life story. She hopes her story (below) inspires you to embrace the amazing power of your own Soul-Full Self!
View Elaine’s Professional Profile on LinkedIn
I grew up in a small, working-class family that faced significant adversity. Although my parents loved us as best they could, our home life felt “raw” most days. Yet, I saw how hard each generation worked to improve things. To this day, I hold my “imperfectly-perfect” family as one of my greatest life teachers – for the very circumstances that could have broken my spirit actually gave rise to it!
During my 20’s, I discovered my life-long passion for learning and growth. While working full-time in corporate, I was able to earn my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in just 8 years. From 22-34, I immersed myself in deep emotional-healing work. I also had the privilege of volunteering as a support group teacher/leader for 12 years, helping others to heal and empower themselves as well.
By the age of 45, I had built a successful 23-year career, leading large-scale change across fortune 200 companies. Yet, I felt unfulfilled, burned out and conflicted inside. I yearned to create something unique and powerful that would significantly impact people’s lives. In late 2008, I chose to walk away (without a package) from a corporate life I had painfully outgrown and take a huge “leap of faith” into the unknown.
When I left corporate, I didn’t know I was headed directly into the most significant “spiritual awakening” of my life. I would imagine that in nature, the caterpillar may not fully realize it either! Yet, much like the butterfly, over the next 5-7 years, I would go through many chrysalises – personally, professionally and spiritually! Each time, growing new wings and bringing more of my human potential, spiritual essence and practical wisdom to my life, relationships, clients and work.
It’s been 9 amazing years since I took that leap of faith. For me, soul-full growth has truly become “a way of life”! Now, my greatest joy comes from empowering others (like YOU) to create more inspired, balanced and fulfilling lives! I’d like to close with my favorite Rumi quote that captures the essence of soul-full growth perfectly: “You were born with wings. Learn to use them and fly!”
Next Steps...
Are you ready to step up to the next level?
Are you ready to realize your Soul-Full potential?
Contact us today to learn what the Soul-Full Growth System can do for you!